
Bio-individuality: Why There Will Never Be A Perfect Diet For Everybody.

Screen shot 2015-07-19 at 8.32.56 AMGuest Post by Will Wolfgang Schmidt
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There is no perfect diet for Everybody.
But there is a perfect diet for Each body.
Self Testing can show you what’s right for You!

Bio-individuality: Differences in anatomy, physiology, digestive capacity, insulin receptivity, metabolism, body composition cell structure & more that cause diverse responses to nutrients, stress and environmental factors from one individual to the next.

Why there will never be A perfect diet for everybody:

Just as there will never be a perfect set of prescription glasses to correct eyesight (because people have different visual imbalances – e.g. nearsightedness, farsightedness) so also will there never be A one size fits all perfect diet for everybody because everyone has different digestive issues, metabolic responses, nutrient needs, et cetera.If you hear someone say “I’ve discovered the perfect diet for us all to eat, it goes like this…” just smile and nod and slip away as quickly as possible because it’s a bunch of bullshit.  There will never be a perfect diet for everybody because we’re all different.  We all process foods differently and we need to stop looking for the one perfect diet and start looking at our own body’s unique needs.The tricky part for most people is that they don’t know how to assess their own body’s unique needs.  Most people just either do what they hear is best, or that a friend told them worked for them, or if they’re really trying they will experiment with one approach after another and try to sort out what seems to work best.  This latter approach – the guess and check approach – is the most admirable of those just mentioned because it shows real effort to figure it out, but it is also a path full of pitfalls, wasted time, frustration, failures and usually only partial successes.Fortunately, there’s a better way to go about discerning what is right for you…

Creating Balance / Supporting Homeostasis

Your body is a complex, brilliant organism that is constantly working to survive & thrive.  To do so, it knows it needs to maintain various points of balance – i.e. homeostasis.  Some points of balance are so critical to survival that even a small fluctuation out of ideal range can result in permanent damage and even death – e.g. blood pH, blood oxygen levels, blood pressure.Some points of balance are more critical than others, and they are all dynamically inter related.  It is these points of balance in the body that we can measure and use to determine the nutrition needs of the individual.So what are these key points of balance?  You can learn more about them and how to measure them on yourself by visiting the Self Test Page on this site, but for convenience I’ll list them here. Don’t worry, there’s more info coming on what to do about these points of balance coming up later in the post:


  • Urine pH  – 5.5-6.0 if breath rate is under 14,  6.0-6.5 if breath rate is over 14
  • Saliva pH – generally 6.5-7.0
  • Blood Pressure – 120 systolic / 80 diastolic
  • Pulse – 75 to 85 beats per minute when resting
  • Breath Rate – 15-16 breaths per minute
  • Fasting Blood Glucose – 75-100
  • Urine Specific Gravity – around 1.015 on the Uri-Spec test strip

How to know what’s right for you…

Through simple tests you can run on yourself with fairly inexpensive equipment you can get at your local pharmacy or online you can gain a ton of useful information that will help you know what dietary approaches are right for you. These Self Tests will help you identify Common Imbalances that can occur due to a wide variety of causes.Once you identify whatever imbalances are present in your case, you can then start taking steps to correct them.My business partner / mentor / close personal friend, advanced nutrition specialist Tony Hale and I have created a free online course you can take to walk you through this self testing process and get you on your way to customizing the perfect diet for yourself.The course starts off with identifying any digestive issues you may have, then leads you through the self testing process.  Starting with correcting digestion is a priority because without good digestion, it doesn’t really matter what you eat because no diet is going to work for you.  Once you do optimize your digestion, then lots of doors open up for you nutritionally.  So get started with the free course!


Will is a celebrity trainer and advanced nutrition specialist in the Los Angeles area.  He is also the co-host of the popular podcast, Kick It Naturally, and the co-author of the upcoming cookbook, Cook For Your Chemistry.

You can learn more about Will by visiting


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