The big secret is that people normally have cravings because their body is not getting something that it needs. Those cravings are simply your body’s way of saying, “Hey… Gimme stuff!” Your body could be looking for any number of nutrients, but this article will focus on answering Terry’s question about sugar cravings.
“I tend to feel like a totally different person and completely out of control of my body when I start to crave sugar. My husband never experiences this. Can I do anything to improve my willpower?”
Terry G. – Apopka, Fl
It’s very common for sugar cravings to be caused by a lack of minerals in the body. The body needs minerals to function properly and if there is a shortage, the body can buffer low mineral levels by increasing sugar levels. For most people, processing sugars or carbs is much easier than pulling minerals out of the foods they’re eating, so the sugar cravings are the most frequent. Therefore, if a person has low minerals, they can take steps to increase their mineral levels and this can often reduce sugar cravings.
One of the first steps I take with my clients when they tell me about cravings is I have them check their blood pressure. Blood pressure can be a good indicator of mineral levels in the body. While looking at your blood pressure, understand that blood pressure medications can artificially lower blood pressure. However, if you are not on a blood pressure lowering medication, and your blood pressure is normally low (below 112/80), this can be an indication that minerals may be low in your system. If this is the case, you may benefit from implementing one or more of these steps.
To get a better idea of which steps are appropriate for your body and your chemistry, you can learn how to run simple self-tests at home that can help you get a better understanding of how your body is operating. I have a free online course about digestion that teaches these steps on my website. You can sign up for free here:
Option #1
Use an unrefined salt, like sea salt
We’re led to believe that we should run from salt because our Uncle Biff had high blood pressure and the doctor told him salt would kill him. With high blood pressure, there is often a lot more than just “reduce your salt intake” that needs to be addressed. Nonetheless, with the medical world and the media telling those with high blood pressure to reduce their salt, it can be very misleading for those with low blood pressure. In most cases, these people with low blood pressure could benefit greatly by increasing their unrefined salt intake.
Sea salt contains minerals that the body can use. By providing your body with the minerals it needs, sugars won’t be needed to buffer those low mineral levels. Now, your body won’t scream, “Give me Nutter Butters!” at 11pm every night.
Option #2
Improve Digestive Function
This is a big one. If an individual has low levels of minerals, an inability to pull minerals out of the food they are eating is often the cause. There are a number of aspects of the digestive process that must be operating correctly to be able to fully break down our food and pull minerals and other nutrients out of those foods. If any part of the digestive process is operating half-ass, or even not at all, deficiencies can occur. The result of these deficiencies is often your body screaming for junk that can buffer the need for any number of nutrients. Most of us think, “Everyone has gas, what’s the big deal?” Even so, digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, or constipation, can be a strong sign that your digestive system is not operating correctly. Take this quiz to see if you’re all kinds of whacked in the digestive department.
Option #3
Reduce Water Intake
I know, I know. Everyone says to drink more water. We need more water. Have you had 8 glasses of water? And they are all correct. We desperately need water and some people can improve half of their health issues by simply increasing their water intake. However, all the “drink more water’ advocates need to calm down a little bit because if you have low mineral levels in your body, drinking more water is only going to wash out MORE minerals and reduce those levels even further. This can raise your cravings to a code red and God help the 7-11 attendant the day they are out of your favorite chocolate ice cream.
This doesn’t mean you don’t need more water. You may. It just means you need to qualify to be able to drink more water. The way to do that is by increasing your mineral levels so drinking more water won’t wash away the low level of minerals you have. That doesn’t mean drink no water. It simply means to be mindful of what you’re doing. Pay attention to your cravings, your blood pressure and how you feel and know that you may need to adjust your water intake until you can bring in more minerals.
Option #4
Turbo Charge Your Water
One way to continue giving your body the water it needs without washing away too much mineral is to use mineral drops in your water. This can allow you to drink more water without becoming a psycho sugar freak. Trace Minerals Research makes a product called Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops. By adding these drops to your drinking water each day, you can not only avoid stripping out more minerals, you can actually increase your mineral levels.
I usually tell people to start slow and put only five or six drops in each glass of water on the first day. You can increase that number up to twelve or fifteen drops per glass. If you start off with more than five or six, it can make the water taste funny. If you build up slowly, you probably won’t notice.
If you use way too much in a day, it may make your stool a little loose so that is a good indication that you’re using too much.
Remember, all of these steps are not appropriate for all people. If you have high blood pressure, or are on blood pressure medication, you may need to take different steps to kill your cravings.
If cravings have tortured you for weeks, months, or years, know that you have the ability to look at your physiology to better understand why you’re having them. Understanding is the first step to spanking your cravings. If you can figure out what your body is truly missing, you will have unlocked the secret to your cravings.
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